Kirken Update - Iran 2008 - 2012

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31-12-2012 - SPECIAL: IRAN 2012 - Yusef Nadarkhani - tilbageblik fra 2008

, Iran Rewiew 2012
I anledningen af den glædelige løsladelse af Yusef Nadarkhani samler vi de nyheder Iran har være repræsenteret med i KirkenUpdate 2012 - og i øvrigt 4 år tilbage. Især er det netop Nadarkhani, og forfølgelsen af ham, det har drejet sig om. Men der er også et par andre om den kristne kirkes situation generelt i Iran. (Ved nogle af de ældre virker links'ene ikke, fordi nyheden er taget af pågældende nyhedskanal). Læs mere - []

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08-09-2012 - Yusef Nadarkhani løsladt fra iransk fængsel
Religionskonflikt - forfølgelse

Iranian Christian pastor released from jail
Youcef Nadarkhani, 35, was released from prison on Saturday and reunited with his family.. Nadarkhani was arrested in October 2009 for converting at the age of 19 to Christianity from Islam, his parent's religion. Although he insisted he was never a practising Muslim, Iran considers the religion of a child to be that of his father. Those who convert to other religions risk arrest or even execution for apostasy. Læs mere - [The Gaurdian]
In 2010, Nadarkhani was sentenced to death after being found guilty of apostasy, a conviction upheld by a supreme court in 2011. Iran's penal code does not have a definitive ruling for apostasy and the judge often refers to the Sharia law for such cases.

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17-05-2012 - Vanskeligheder for "markedsføring" af martyr - kætter eller ortodoks?
Religionskonflikt - forfølgelse

Marketing Martyrs: Does Iranian Pastor's Theology Impact Advocacy...
Moeller and other religious-freedom leaders are split on whether Nadarkhani is an orthodox or heretical Christian. But they all affirm that his situation merits advocacy regardless. "We've used [Nadarkhani] as a bellwether for what's happening to hundreds of people in Iran," said Moeller. "For us, the issue of faith is not a theological one. We're not involved in supporting people or advocating for their freedom only if they believe the right way." Læs mere - [ChristianityToday]

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25-03-2012 - Voldsom vækst af kristne i Iran
Mission - vækst

, Growth of Christianity in Iran 'Explosive'
Despite the Iranian government's ongoing crackdown of Christians living in the primarily Islamic country, the number of Muslims converting to become Christians is growing at an explosive rate, according to the persecution watchdog group Open Doors USA. Læs mere - [Christian Post]

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15-03-2012 - Nadarkhani - ikke dødsdømt, men stadig anklaget for fornærmelse
Religionskonflikt - forfølgelse

Youcef Nadarkhani 'Offended Islam' by Preaching Christianity
An Iranian envoy has denied an execution order was issued for Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani, but revealed a list of charges against the evangelical Christian that allegedly make him guilty of "offending Islam." Læs mere - [Christian Post]

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23-02-2012 - Nadarkhani - Det hvide hus fordømmer henrettelsesordre

White House and State Department Condemn Execution Order
Both the White House and the U.S. State Department issued statements Thursday, Feb. 23 demanding the immediate release of Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani, who has been imprisoned in Iran since October 2009. Nadarkhani's fate took a decisive turn for the worst on Feb. 21, when the American Center for Law and Justice announced that Iranian courts may have issued an execution order for Nadarkhani.. Læs mere - [The Christian Post]

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17-02-2012 - De to sidste officielt anerk. kirker forbydes gudstjeneste på farsi

, Churches Forced to Stop Farsi Worship in Tehran, Iran
Iran's Ministry of Intelligence has ordered the last two officially registered churches holding Friday Farsi-language services in Tehran to discontinue them. Læs mere - [Compass Direct News]

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01-10-2011 - Iransk præst dødsdømt for voldtægt i stedet for for frafald fra islam
Religionskonflikt - forfølgelse

Iranian pastor to be put to death for rape, not apostasy
Christian Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani will be put to death for several charges of rape and extortion, charges that differ greatly from his original sentence of apostasy, the semi official Fars News agency reported Friday. In a translated Iranian Supreme Court brief from 2010 the charge of apostasy, however, is the only charge leveled against Nadarkhani. Læs mere - [WorldWide Religious News (WWRN)]

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26-09-2011 - Iransk præst idømmes dødsstraf, hvis han ikke frasiger sin kristendom
Religionskonflikt - forfølgelse

, Pastor Nadarkhani refuses to recant during trial
Iranian pastor Yousef Nadarkhani has twice refused to recant his Christian faith during two court hearings held in Rasht, Gilan Province on 25 and 26 September. Sources close to CSW indicate that recanting will again be demanded at sessions scheduled for 27 and 28 September, and that if he continues to refuse, he will be executed thereafter. Læs mere - [Christian Solidarity Worldwide]

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09-05-2011 - Medlemmer af kirke arresteret og bla tiltalt alkoholindtag ved nadver

, Church of Iran members awaiting trial verdict
Eleven members of the Church of Iran are awaiting a court's verdict after standing trial for charges of 'activities against the Order' and drinking alcohol. The charges relate to the group's involvement in a house church meeting and taking communion wine. Læs mere - [Christian Today]

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25-03-2011 - Fem kristne for retten for blasfemi i Iran
Religionskonflikt - forfølgelse

, Christians face trial for blasphemy in Iran
Five Christians are to stand trial in a lower court in Iran charged with blasphemy...CSW said the situation for Christian in Iran was worsening, with churches finding it difficult to hold meetings and many considering leaving the country. Læs mere - [Christian Today]

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09-12-2010 - Dødsdom for at være kristen præst, konverteret fra islam
Religionskonflikt - forfølgelse

, In Iran, a Christian pastor faces death sentence
A Christan pastor in Iran has been sentenced to death for allegedly renouncing his Muslim religion and another faces a possible indictment on the same charge of apostasy, according to a prominent activist group working for human rights in Iran.. Læs mere - [CNN]

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07-10-2010 - Præsident Ahmadinejad opfordrer paven: fælles kamp mod islamofobi
Religionsmøde - dialog

"The democratic-religious system of Iran seeks cooperation and strengthening of ties with the Vatican and a constructive cooperation on Islamophobia (in the West)" Læs mere - [WorldWide Religious News (WWRN)]

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12-10-2009 - Anklage for aktivitet mod staten ændres til anklage for frafald
Religionskonflikt - konversionsspørgsmål

judge is dropping anti-state activity charges against two Christian women. Instead, Maryam and Marzieh face charges of apostasy and propagation of the Christian faith...actually good news for Maryam and Marziah. "Previously, when people charged with apostasy had their case looked at in the regular court, there was a high chance that they could be set free. Læs mere - [Mission Network News]

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14-08-2009 - To muslimske kvinder konverteret til kristendom afventer dom
Religionskonflikt - tvangskonversion

The women were arrested because of their work in Iran's house church movement and because they were raised in Muslim families. In their trial, however, they argued that being raised in Muslim families did not make them Muslim - therefore they are not apostates from Islam. Læs mere - [Mission Network News]
"They made a distinction between being born in a Muslim family and actually making a conscious decision to follow Islam, to follow the teachings of Mohammad .. The judge and the prosecuting attorney didn't really go for that because, in their minds, if your parents are Muslims, then you're a Muslim; it's not a conscious decision." Se også reportage.

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11-02-2009 - Flere i arrest på grund af tro i Iran - med risiko for dødsstraf
Religionskonflikt - forfølgelse

.. two were recently released on bail with an open case. International human rights agencies and Iranian believers fear a ruling of apostasy -- the act of leaving Islam -- which is potentially punishable by execution. Læs mere - [Mission Network News]

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25-12-2008 - Irans præsident ønsker tillykke med profeten Jesu fødselsdag
Religionsmøde islam-kristendom

From Ahmadinejad's "christmas"-speech: "If Christ were on Earth today, undoubtedly He would stand with the people in opposition to bullying, ill-tempered and expansionist powers... Læs mere - [Timesonline]
If Christ were on Earth today, undoubtedly He would hoist the banner of justice and love for humanity to oppose warmongers, occupiers, terrorists and bullies the world over".

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23-09-2008 - Lov om dødstraf for konversion i Iran på vej
Religionskonflikt - forfølgelse

On Sept. 9 the Iranian parliament approved a new penal code by a vote of 196-7 calling for a mandatory death sentence for apostates, or those who leave Islam. The Christian and Baha'i communities of Iran are most likely to be affected by this decision. Læs mere - [Compass Direct News]

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