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- - - Forsynets virken gennem slaveriet / Celebrate 'Providence' that Brought Gospel Through Slavery .. USA
Thomas Nestles who sparked controversy for defending the slaveryof the enslaver founders of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary... wrote a new piece published Thursday, praising the"the wisdom of Providence" that saw the evangelization of enslaved persons through the institution of slavery. .. Mere citat/2020 / Direkte [23-08-2020]
- - - Bob Dylans nyeste album er Thomas Merton-inspireret / Bob Dylan explores death to self in 'Rough and Rowdy Ways .. USA
Dylan's personal wrestle with mortality, yet I this record isnot a "swan song".."Rough and Rowdy Ways" highlights an ongoing death to self, which every person must choose to embrace. .. Mere citat/2020 / Direkte [07-11-2020]
- - - Topsøgninger i bibelen: Kærlighed, fred, håb - det sidste rykket op/ Protests, pandemics and politics: The top 2020 searches for Bible.. .. Globalt
The website BibleGateway.com, which allows users to read andsearch the text of multiple translations of the Bible, saw unusual spikes in related searches around the first COVID-19lockdowns last spring, the killing of George Floyd by Minneapolis police and the protests that followed in the summer and the U.S.presidential election this fall.. .. Mere citat/2020 / Direkte [04-12-2020]
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.. Mere citat/2020 / Direkte [22-08-2020]
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.. Mere citat/2020 / Direkte [22-08-2020]
- - - Den økumeniske patriark Batholomeus om miljø / Life of the Church is an applied ecology .. Globalt
Care for creation, says Bartholomew, is an act of praise of God,while "destruction of creation is an offence against the creator." .. Mere citat/2020 / Direkte [28-08-2020]
- - - Slaveejeres navn forbliver på mindetavle - fond oprettes / SBC seminary votes to retain slaveholders' names on buildings .. USA
"We're not going to erase our history in any respect or leave our history unaddressed,".. .. Mere citat/2020 / Direkte [13-10-2020]
- - - Rapport om bekæmpelse af "hate speech" på sociale medier /BREAKING DOWN THE SOCIAL MEDIA DIVIDES .. Europa
WACC - report on hate speech - aimed at individuals,small organisations, and community groups, such as churches, which maynot have extensiv expertise in managing social media, but want to start engaging when they see hateful content on the internet... Mere citat/2020 / Direkte [15-10-2020]
- - - Historisk overblik: hvordan har katolikker stemt til præsidentvalg / .. USA
The Catholic vote in the United States is neither monolithic norstatic. To learn about its history, check out .. Mere citat/2020 / Direkte [21-10-2020]
- - - Kristen zionisme uholdbar - udtaler det norske bispemøde / Kristensionismen er uholdbar .. Norge
Bispemøtet finner det helt nødvendig å ta et oppgjør med kristensionismen, og sette en tydelig grenselinje mot ubibelske forestillinger. Direkte eller indirekte motarbeiderkristensionister forsøk på å skape rettferdig fred mellom israelere og palestinere. .. Mere citat/2020 / Direkte [21-10-2020]
- - - Trump erklærer ikke at stå i bestemt trossamfund / Trump says he now identifies as a non-denominational Christian .. USA
President Trump is largely known to be a Presbyterian in terms of his religious identity, but in a media interview, he said henow identifies as a "nondenominational Christian." .. Mere citat/2020 / Direkte [25-10-2020]
- - - Joe Biden den anden katolske præsident i USA / .. USA
For only the second time in our nation's 244-year-history, a Catholic has been elected to the highest office in the land. JoeBiden, the former vice president, a cradle Catholic and current parishioner at St. Joseph on the Brandywine in Greenville,Delaware, will become the 46th president of the United States. .. Mere citat/2020 / Direkte [07-11-2020]
- - - Antikoloniale (antikatolske?) statueomstyrtere trækkes for retten /Five charged in toppling of Junipero Serra statue in northern Californ .. USA
While Serra, an 18th-century Franciscan priest and Catholicsaint, is credited with spreading the Catholic faith in what is now California, critics say he was part of an imperial conquestthat enslaved Native Americans. .. Mere citat/2020 / Direkte [17-11-2020]


- - - Evangelisering i dialog overfor at hverve proselytter / Pope Explains What He Means by 'Proselytism' and 'Evangelization' .. USA
For the Pope, evangelization is and must be free. "Evangelization is essentially witness," he told the Jesuits in Mozambique."Proselytizing is convincing, but it is all about membership and takes your freedom away." .. Mere citat/2020 / Direkte [26-09-2020]
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.. Mere citat/2020 / Direkte [22-08-2020]
- - - Norske biskopper tager afstand fra kristenzionisme / Kristensionisme .. Israel
Situasjonen i Israel og Palestina er dypt bekymringsfull. En rettferdig og bærekraftig fredsløsning somrespekterer internasjonal lov, ivaretar sikkerheten og rettighetene for begge folk, synes mer urealistisk enn pålenge. Kirkeledere i Jerusalem har bedt verdens kirker.. .. Mere citat/2020 / Direkte [16-10-2020]
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.. Mere citat/2020 / Direkte [22-08-2020]
- - - Fred på jord - eller i hvert fald initiativer til .. / Interfaith Christmas Event i Karachi, Pakistan .. Pakistan, Islamabad
Cardinal Joseph Coutts, the Archbishop of the southern port city of Karachi, invited Christians and representatives of otherreligions to the pre-Christmas celebration at St. Patrick's Cathedral .. .. Mere citat/2020 / Direkte [11-12-2020]
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.. Mere citat/2020 / Direkte [22-08-2020]
- - - 550 protestantiske samlingsteder lukket ned i een provins / Nearly 550 Protestant Venues Shut Down in Jiangsu Province .. Kina
On direct orders from President Xi Jinping.. Five-hundred-forty-nine sites run by both state-run Three-Selfand unregistered house churches were shut in four prefecture-level cities in the second half of 2019. .. Mere citat/2020 / Direkte [21-09-2020]
- - - Statsgodkendelse ingen garanti / Official Catholic Church: State-Approved, Hounded Nonetheless .. Kina
Joining the Chinese Patriotic Catholic Association does not meanthat persecutions end: state-sanctioned venues are also harassed, unduly controlled, and shut. .. Mere citat/2020 / Direkte [23-09-2020]
- - - Og Jesus stenede selv kvinden til døde - kinesisk genskrivning.. / CCP Rewriting The Gospel: Jesus Actually "Killed" The Woman Taken .... Kina
When they had disappeared, Jesus stoned the sinner to deathsaying, 'I too am a sinner. But if the law could only be executed by men without blemish, the law would be dead.'" .. Mere citat/2020 / Direkte [28-09-2020]
- - - Grave og minde over svenske missionærer (for 100 år siden) udraderes /Government Orders to Destroy Swedish Missionaries' Gravestones .. Kina
Shanxi government desecrated the resting place of 20missionaries, who worked and died in China nearly a century ago, and destroyed a house for visiting believers. .. Mere citat/2020 / Direkte [18-10-2020]
- - - Religiøse mødesteder lukkes ned lokalt af partikadrer / Religious Venues Shut After Assessment of Local Party Cadres .. Kina
Countless places of worship suffer devastating consequences as local authorities do anything to please CCP's visitinghigher-ups. .. Mere citat/2020 / Direkte [01-11-2020]
- - - Religiøst (kristent) motiverede "hate crimes" i Californien / Buddhist Temples Vandalized in California .. USA
Religion News Service reported on December 10 that there have been 17 such attacks against Buddhist temples in the UnitedStates in 2020. .. Mere citat/2020 / Direkte [15-12-2020]
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- - - Not News! Paven bakker op om homoseksuelle borgerlige ægteskaber / Not news: Pope Francis has supported civil unions for years .. Vatikanet
Pope Francis expresses support for the creation of civil union laws for same-sex couples as part of a new documentary... But hiscomments on the matter appear an affirmation of previously articulated views. .. Mere citat/2020 / Direkte [21-10-2020]

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.. Mere citat/2020 / Direkte [22-08-2020]
- - - Covidtallene stiger - også i Vaticanet / .. Vatikanet
In keeping with Italian law, all of the religious leaders, including Pope Francis, wore a mask except when delivering theirspeeches, which they did while keeping a distance from those listening.. .. Mere citat/2020 / Direkte [21-10-2020]
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.. Mere citat/2020 / Direkte [22-08-2020]
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.. Mere citat/2020 / Direkte [22-08-2020]
- - - Galilei - modsætning mellem kirke og videnskab - eller magtspil? /What the story of Galileo gets wrong about the church and science .. Vatikanet
When churchmen or a royal woman argued against Galileo, they werenot denying science. They had science on their side... .. Mere citat/2020 / Direkte [18-09-2020]

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  NB: Ovenstående er et udvalg af månedens nyheder på KirkenUpdate 2020